Saturday, September 17, 2011

When the moon hits your eyes.

It's been a while.  

Life is has been oh so deliciously sweet.  I'm head over heels for mon petite chou chou (my little endearing french term).  He is oh so ravishing and I love him more and more each day.  We have officially decided that we are staying in DC for the next year and a half.  We will be learning the ropes of the pest control business.  I'm excited to settle down here (for a little while at least).  I am starting to feel a cozy and inviting feeling when I step in our apartment door each day and have developed the habit of saying "home sweet home" as I look around our first home.  Though it is INFESTED with house centipedes (google image search that shiz if you want to be grossed out) and I literally killed a spider on my forehead as I was laying in bed at 4am, we like it.  It is home.
Ben and I are finally taking our honeymoon!  Hooray!  And boy oh boy is Benny boo boo boo making up for the honeymoon tardiness.  We will be spending 3 beautiful weeks in Italy, Greece, and Turkey.  I cannot be more excited!  The last week we will be accompanied by Tim (Ben's brother) and Kelsey (my sister-in-law/my best friend's sister/one of my sister's best friends/my friend who I grew up with) on a Mediterranean cruise.   THAT is Amore!

We leave tomorrow!  Ciao!