Friday, July 22, 2011

Oh bla di, oh bla da.

Hey remember that time I went out of town for like 6 weekends straight and the only noteworthy pictures I took were the following?

I suck.

I promise I have friends here in VA.  I just never take pictures of them.  I also promise that I do exciting things with those friends.  I just forget to capture those moments.

Like the other weekend we went to Rehoboth beach in Delaware.  So much fun!  I just love the ocean.  We went with the whole Moxie team.  It's always fun to take a break from the horrible schedule and have fun splashing in the waves (or for me, getting absolutely terrified that the waves were going to eat me).  Here's the beach, except imagine it with about 104874 billion people on it (approximately).

The boardwalk was pretty nice compared to other east coast beaches but it was also a lot shorter.  It was so much fun to sit back and relax with the Moxie crew.  I really do love them.

We also went camping.  Our intentions were to go camping in the beautiful Shenandoah national forest but all the campsites were booked so we ended up camping in a place called "Gooney Creek Campground" about 5 minutes outside of the forest.  It was basically the backyard of a trailer park. :)

There she is in all her glory.  I didn't take this pic.  I don't take pictures, remember?
We still had fun though.  Ben was able to set up his massive tent and we squeezed some fishing in as well.

We also went to Ohio for Ben and I's reception.  Lots of good food, good family, and good fun!
Ohio is pretty.  The east in general is pretty.  It's older too.  Like all the Walmarts are falling apart...but that's a whole different story.  The east has a lot of history behind it and I feel more "American" when I'm in the east.

Oh and how could I forget my weekend in Utah? Mawwiage is what bwings us togetha. I got married in this beautiful place:

For forever.
I feel really blessed to be able to spend eternity with Ben.  I also feel blessed to know that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father.  That knowledge strengthens me.

So that's been my life lately.  No complaints here.

Oh and p.s.  Look at the shoes Ben surprised me with! So hot!  Such a good hubs.  They take me back to my childhood when I was absolutely obsessed with pink and purple.  Not just pink, or just purple, but the two colors together


a. dancepants August 26, 2011 at 2:11 AM  

your husband gives you the best presents. ever.