Saturday, June 4, 2011

Keep moving forward.

Yeah, I knew this would happen.
The minute I moved to DC I dropped off the face of the blogging world.
But here I am, sitting in an internet lobby in my apt complex, not dead. Still breathing, indeed.

Virginia is absolutely splendid.  I am so happy to be here this summer.

Things I love about being here:
-Trees.  I forgot how green and beautiful it is here.  I loved the Utah mountains but this is a nice change of landscape.
-Heat.  I do not miss the cold Utah weather whatsoever.
-Moxie Pest Control.
-The people that I know here (notice how I didn't just say "the people of VA").
-The pool at my complex...and how it's NOT packed with douchey guys trying to impress the ladies (cough, Provo, cough)

-My own apt.  Soon to be Ben and I's apartment.  WEIRD.
-Being able to watch movies on Ben's projector.
-Being a free little birdy out of college.
-All my Moxie girls.  Love them.

Things I'm not too fond of:
-Freaking VA drivers.  I thought that Utah drivers were bad. Nothing compared to VA drivers.  Don't even get me started.
-Traffic (the whole road experience in general is not very pleasant here).
-Humidity.  I feel like I am betraying Texas saying that I don't like humidity.
-Culture, or lack of.
-Being away from the fam damily and roommies.  I miss them.
-I work 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday and Ben works even longer hours.  There's not much "chill" time.

There is one week left until I am a married woman.
Wow wow wow wow wow.



I can't wait.  The past month has been so amazing.  I feel like I could just melt in a little puddle of love ('s that for cheesy?).  But seriously, everything is so so good.  Next Saturday cannot come soon enough.