Tuesday, December 14, 2010



Right now, at 2:16am, in the middle of finals week, I'm feeling very lucky.

Lucky to have amazing friends, a good family, great professors, a wonderful boyfriend who treats me so incredibly well, talents that enable me to express my feelings in a way that I can't normally, and opportunities to learn and grow through the things I experience, the mistakes I make, and the blessings I receive.

Though life can be fragile and touchy and hectic and downright mad....it is oh so good.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'll be home for Christmas

Well, folks, it's been a year since I've been home.  I'm not the type of girl who has to be clinging to mommy and daddy all the time.  I'm pretty independent and comfortable being alone, but enough is enough. A year is too long for a single college girl to be away from home.  In the past two years, I have only been home once.  I dunno why it ended up that way but here I am missing home and so ready for a break.

Home is happy (even with the constant, and i mean constant, arguing over silly games and politics and whatever else there is in the world to argue about).  Home is comfortable.  I don't have to impress anyone at home.  My family knows me as the bossy little girl who wouldn't wear anything except Disney princess underwear but they also know me as the senior in college music major who gets so busy she forgets to eat for a whole day.  They see and know every aspect of me and like-it or hate-it...they still love me.

It's fun to be with my family.  Oh how we laugh (i'll never forget the day when we were screaming at the top of our lungs Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' when the doorbell rang and a freaked out neighborhood girl returned the basketball that had rolled down the street).  We do inside jokes like it's our job.  We are so obnoxious. There was time we played truth or dare and we made Lindsay stay in the dog kennel for 2 minutes and Megan and Rachel had to switch clothes in the playhouse in one minute.  How long ago was this you ask?  Just last year. :)

I have a huge family.  I'm 6th out of 9 kids.  To get all the questions out of the way: no, there are no twins/adoptions, no, there is no polygamy, and yes, I always remember their names (these are the questions that I always got growing up).  Maybe in Utah it wouldn't be so weird to have a big family..but in Texas, it is.  My family has been a big part of forming who I am, and though I am in no way perfect (in fact, sometimes I wonder just what the H i'm doing), i like me.

In conclusion, I am excited for the pillars of our house that are wrapped in Christmas lights, the wooden Rudolph that will always be on our fireplace, the brown Texas grass, the constant playing of Hanson's "Snowed In" CD, the card games that get so intense that sometimes there are tears, the silent laughing during family prayers, the trips to the roller skating rink (our family literally takes over Skatetown), the laundry shoot adventures, the matinĂ©e movies, and the love.

I'll be home for Christmas.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Just thoughts.

Ok, I realize that I'm a complete lame butt with my blog.  But seriously school has been H-E-double hockey sticks lately.

I'm feeling random today.

The ghost in the haunted house told me my shirt was ugly.  Excuse me??  Well I thought her bloody white face and torn up dress were ugly.

McDonalds dollar menu is the best thing in the world. 

I'm anxious for Thanksgiving.  I will going camping for a week straight.  I think the last time I camped was when I was 12 and it was for one night...not a whole week (This excludes girls camp.  Southlake girls camp in air conditioned cabins doesn't really qualify as camping).  I'm excited though.

My younger siblings are getting so oooollddd and it's weird.

I want a pet.  But I want it to be pre-trained.  And not shed.  And not have to eat.  And clean up after itself.

My nieces and nephews are the cutest things in the world.  mmmm.

I like fall.  The colors, the pumpkins, the chill, the leaves, and the feeling in the air.  I love it all. 

I don't dream of a white Christmas.  I don't dream of snow ever.

I watch TV now.  It's been 3 years since I've watched TV and I think I like it.  I don't like to hold the remote but I do like to boss the remote holder around.

Ben watches Animal Planet like it's his job and knows everything there is to know about the most deadly insects, spiders, mammals, and reptiles in the world.  It's funny.

So there.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Um. Ouch.

Once upon a time I thought I knew what four wheeling was.  I thought I had gone four wheeling several times.  I was wrong.

You may think that four wheeling is getting on one of these:

And then gracefully riding down something like this:

All the while laughing, taking pictures, and enjoying the view. 
Wrong.  Wrong wrong wrong

This weekend I went four wheeling. "Real" four wheeling. 
The trails looked like this:

and this:

My four wheeler did this:

Leaving me with a bunch of scrapes looking like this:

My four wheeler crashed, we decided to take a "short cut" and go off the trail into an abyss of cliffs and wild animals, we got a flat tire, we got stranded in the middle of nowhere, and we almost died.  I'd call it a successful day of four wheeling!!

But really, it was fun

Note to reader:  the pictures of the scary trails and upside down four wheeler aren't mine.  I may or may not have added them for dramatic effect.  The trails really were scary and I really did flip over though. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Silly Goose

I don't know how to cook.
I make good chocolate chip cookies (mom's recipe).
I will sing to all radio songs, you cannot stop me.
I will probably dance to those songs as well.
I roll my eyes every 5 seconds.
I procrastinate like it's my job.
I'm happy most of the time.
I am ambitious about my future.
I used to hate it when the neighborhood kids would say "salute to the Neeley nation!"
I love to sing.
I'm horrible at basketball.
I'm sympathetic.
I'm number 6 in my family.
I'm very stubborn.
I'm funny.
I will space out for hours if you let me.
I'm a fast mover (once again, get it from my mom).
I'm obnoxious.
I'm forgiving.
I snort for no reason.
I'm very competitive (mostly with card games).
I smile a lot.
I love being a girl.
I'm weird. Just plain weird.

I am proud of who I am.
And you love all that stuff.

"Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.  Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your behind.  That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with." -JUNO

Sunday, September 12, 2010

OH MY GOSH. This made my day.

Create a website

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I went to the library tonight.  At 10pm.  You know why?  Because I was bored.  I thought the library would be exciting.  THE LIBRARY.  Is this a bad sign??  I vote yes.

Will you just get here already???

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well I feel sheepish...

Hehe. He. Hehe. Sorry for the absence.  Life is still good blah de blah blah.
I'm still selling.  I feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away when he says "I...HAVE MADE FIRE!" and pounds his fists to his chest.  I..HAVE SOLD PEST CONTROL!

Things that have come with this job:
1. My voice is literally lower
2. I am extremely sweaty....allll the timeee.
3. I wear the same white loose polo every day.  Shexy.
4. Bugs don't have NOTHIN on me!
5. 90 degrees is a cool day.
6. Getting home early from work is getting home at 10:15pm.
7. Sunday is the best day of the week. Hands down.
8. The greatest and closest friends are made when doing hard things together.
9. Happiness starts with keeping commitments.
10. I HATE...i repeat...HATE the smell of curry.
11. I'm really good at pretending to love pets.
12. Monster, Red Bull, Full Throttle.  Meet my new best friends.

Life is really good.
I am happy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I met the president of the United States....

Ok, just kidding.  But it got your attention, didn't it?

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.  SO much to say in so little time.  I only have 10 minutes.

-I got in a car crash before I left for DC.  Yep.  It sucked.  It delayed my journey for a bit, but now it's all good.

-The drive from Provo to DC was accompanied with flash floods, tornado watches, snow storms, and crazy wind.  It was fun and scary all at once.

-Emma and I stopped in Chicago on the second day of our drive.  Chicago is SUCH a cool city.  We went up in the Sears tower watch.  The whole time we were paranoid my car was going to get broken into so we didn't get to fully enjoy the city.  I'd love to go back.

-WE MADE IT TO DC!!  Yep!  Even though we just got here this past Sunday, it feels like I've been here for a month.  I love it!  The days are long and hard but i'm doing great!  Life is so busy I hardly have a second to breathe!  Man oh man.  I know that this summer is going to push me to my limits.  It already has.  The hardest part is being away from loved ones.  The people here are pretty awesome though.  Life is good on the east coast!

Well I must depart!  I love you all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

East, east, and away I go!

I opened a fortune cookie a few days ago and it said "You will soon find more adventure in life."


Adventure awaits!  
My goal is to sell pest control to Obama.  Am I overzealous?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh my gosh.  You must see it!

Boys will be girls...

Since we came out of the womb, girls will not fully understand boys and boys will not fully understand girls.

Oh this just cracks me up!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What's another word for update?

Brief life refresher:

1. I'm more than half way done with Winter semester at BYU.  School is super busy but i'm absolutely loving it.  Media Music is the perfect major for me.  I'm in 10 classes this semester.  It seems like a lot but that's just the life of a music major!  It keeps you busy and content. Next year will be my last...weirdddd!! It seems like yesterday I was nervously walking to my first class at BYU.

2. I'm still working for J Dawgs.  You guys, I'm still not sick of them.  I will always love J Dawgs.  Always and forever.  I'm still working on finding out the special sauce recipe and sharing it with everyone.  Ha jussst kidding.  This summer i'm moving to D.C. to sell pest control!  What an adventure!

3. My birthday was a week ago.  It was so much fun.  I went to lunch and a movie with my fam, got a pedi with Emma (it was my first pedicure in my life), and went to Cupid's Ball (our ward activity).  My 20th year has been a fantastic one.  I feel like I am 5 years older than I was last year.  This year has been full of independence and big choices.  I have learned even more about who I am and what I want to become.  I have learned that I am the only person who can choose my life and make my life decisions.  It's a hard and daunting task, knowing that I have full control over my life, but i'm ready for it!  I have learned to think of others before myself.  I have learned to be more patient and trusting to everyone, especially the ones I love.  When you truly love someone, you will be willing to sacrifice for them and think of them before yourself.   I still have so much to learn.  I'm lucky that my the people who surround me are so forgiving of my faults.  21, here I come!!

4. Other random highlights:  The Jazz Voices show was two weeks ago.  I'm in a performing Jazz ensemble for those of you who don't know.  It's amazing.  I went to the Billy Joel/Elton John concert a few weeks ago.  It was PHENOMENAL.   Best concert of my life.  My brother and sister-in-law (Derek and Sheri) had a baby a few days ago!  His name is Chase Neeley.  I love the nieces and nephews.

Life is good.  Smile.  A simple smile can change someone's day.  Laugh your heart out, even if the joke is offensive. :)  I SERIOUSLY love you all.

"Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock!" -Miley

Ashlie, me, Camilla, and Carly.  Jazz Voices concert.

Em and I before Cupid's Ball.

Billy Joel/Elton John concert.  

Summer roommates at Audrey and Jeremy's wedding.  Annaliese, me, Karen, Jeremy, Audrey, Janessa, and Nikki.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow, snow, go away, come again another day...

Today is snowy.  Very snowy.  As I walked to campus with my pink polka dot umbrella (that my lovely roommate, Tiff, gave to me) I noticed a strange phenomenon.  NO ONE else had an umbrella.  And let me tell you folks, it was snowing pretty heavily.  Since I've been in Utah I've noticed that no one really uses umbrellas in the snow.  In fact, it's looked down upon.  I could see what was going through everyone's head. Why is that girl wearing an umbrella?  Is she high maintenance? It's SNOWING...why would someone wear an umbrella in the snow?? On rainy days here in Provo, everyone has an umbrella.  Hm. Just a random thought slash wonder of the day.  Should I lose the umbrella on snowy days??

I, Heather Neeley, use an umbrella in the snow.  Proudly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Loving is never a waste of time."

Happy Valentines Day!

I know, I know, I'm a little late on the whole v-day thing.  I've had NO TIME...at allll...to write.  So without further ado, 
I think that I may be a sucker for love.  You guys.  Seriously.

-The unconditional love of my parents has motivated me to be a better person.  My mom is the most selfless woman on this planet.  I don't think she does one thing for herself.  Her love for her family is such an example to me.  My dad is such a gentle and kind person.  He is an honest and good man who works hard to take care of his family.
-I love my siblings.  Through the hair pulling, the fake fire drills (my brothers would make us jump out the 2nd floor window of our house for "fire drills"), the finger nail fights, the broken bones, the marriages, the births, the funny moments, the holidays, and the unexpected, we have loved each other through it all.  And had fun doing it too. 
-My best friends will always have a place in my heart.  They know the good, the bad, and the ugly about me and they STILL love me???  How is that even possible!?  I love my girls.  They are simply the best.
-And how could I forget romantic love?  The twitter-pated feelings, the endless conversations, the feeling that no one in the world could make you as happy as that one person, the reliance, the escape from a bad day, building each other up and becoming better people together, the uncontrollable laughs, the never ending memories, the sweet kisses, (ok i'll stop before you barf)...etc...  I love my boyf. Enough said.
-The love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has made this plan of happiness possible.  Because of God's love, we can choose how we live.

So, what do YOU love??

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let's talk about this for a minute...

No, not my ridiculous face.  The head wrap.  Apparently this is THE THING to have this winter.  Everyone and their dog has one.  Am I a sell out??  Perhaps.  But you know what? I think it's pretty darn cute.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dear Michael,

Your voice melts me and you move like nobody's business.  Even though you gave your children weird names, I still love you anyway.
For the record, I liked your nose through all the stages.
Thank you for the music.

Michael freaking Jackson.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Here I am.

With a blog. Hello.
Let's get down to the basics.

A few days ago I burned one of these:

How?? How does one burn a pancake?? Well if you know Heather Neeley, you must know that ANY cooking disaster is possible. Luckily, Heidi's mom came to the rescue with a bag of pancakes. :)


This is a common scene in Utah:

I am slowly but surely getting used to this...maybe.


Most of my college life revolves around this:

I am a Media Music vocal major at BYU. I love singing, songwriting, and being annoying to anyone who wants to have a conversation in the car but a really great song just happens to be playing on the radio.


I could not live without:

I love the gospel and everything that comes along with it. It is my life.


I have the best these:

I am so lucky to be surrounded by these people. I don't know what I did to deserve them.
They are the loveliest people in the world.

Peace and love home slices,